What is Cryostar and how does it work?
The procedure for CryoSlimming is much more localised and targeted at fat loss. This treatment starts off with our therapists warming up the treatment area for a couple of minutes, using the wand set to warm, around 4c. This preps the area by bringing blood to the surface and preparing the fat cells for the drop in temperature. An immediate controlled drop in the temperature then follows; by using the correct technique, the therapist can bring the temperature down quickly to -4c, which gets deep into the Hypodermis layer of skin, where that stubborn subcutaneous fat lives. The temperature
is set dependent on the area of the body being treated, for example the therapist would use a colder temperature on the abdomen and glutes than on the arms. After the cold temperature has worked its magic, it's time to warm the treatment area back up for another couple of minutes. The treatment is followed with a nice massage, to send the broken down fat cells towards the nearest lymph nodes. The Lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system and act as little washing machines to flush all the toxins and waste out of the body, including these broken down fat cells.
CryoSlimming is perfect for flanks i.e. 'love handles’, upper and inner thighs, also to slim a double chin - the visual results for this are instant and amazing!