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Clinical Infection Control

  1. Infection control is important in a dental clinic setting, for the safety of patients and dental professionals.

  2. Following infection control measures will significantly reduce the risk of spreading infections, bacteria, and other harmful organisms.

  3. NKRD adheres to strict infection control measures to ensure your complete safety as patients, and to protect our dental team as well.

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The Importance of Infection Control


New Kings Road Dental Practice is committed to giving you the highest quality dental treatments, and that includes following strict protocols when it comes to clinical hygiene & infection control.

Your safety and the safety of all our dentists and staff are very important factors that we take into consideration on a continuous basis.


In a dental clinic setting, there is always a risk of spreading infection especially when a treatment is undertaken. Both the patient and the dental practitioner (the dentist or the dental hygienist) can be infected by bacteria that can come from a number of sources in the clinic.

However, this risk is significantly reduced by following strict infection control measures that are put in place to ensure the safety of the patients and the entire dental team. By religiously practicing proper hygiene practices in the clinic, the spread of infection, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful organisms is tightly-controlled.

In a dental clinic setting, there is always a risk of spreading infection especially when a treatment is undertaken. Both the patient and the dental practitioner (the dentist or the dental hygienist) can be infected by bacteria that can come from a number of sources in the clinic.

However, this risk is significantly reduced by following strict infection control measures that are put in place to ensure the safety of the patients and the entire dental team. By religiously practicing proper hygiene practices in the clinic, the spread of infection, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful organisms is tightly-controlled.


Clinical Hygiene Practices Strictly Followed in NKRD


  • All of the surfaces in the examination room (including the dental chair, the dental light, drawers and their handles, etc.) are cleaned disinfected even before you come in for your treatment. The cleaning and decontamination is done after every treatment with a patient is completed.

  • Disposable items such as needles are promptly and properly disposed of right after being used to control the spread of bacteria and other harmful organisms.

  • All the members of our dental team who come into the examination rooms to be a part of the treatment are required to wear gowns, masks, and protective eyewear, as well as disposable gloves which are immediately thrown away after the completion of the treatment (or more frequently, as needed).

  • All the surfaces that have been touched by a patient and the dental staff will be cleaned and disinfected after a treatment, before a new patient comes into the treatment room.

  • Before starting a different treatment with a new patient, each member of the dental team is required to wash their hands thoroughly, before putting on fresh gloves that have not been previously used.

  • We use Perfection Plus products for cleaning & disinfecting the treatment room surfaces, as well as for hand cleaning & disinfecting, personal protection, and sterilisation.

  • Non-disposable tools and equipment are cleaned and sterilised in between treatments of patients.

NKRD uses Orotol Plus suction unit disinfectant which dissolves and disinfects tools, preventing the formation of sludge (composed mainly of blood and proteins). This product is known for its long-lasting effect and develops no resistance to germs for better infection control.



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